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Holidays With Fluffy

December 1, 2018

The holidays are coming up quickly! As you start preparing for the hustle and bustle of the season, keep your feline friend in mind. In this article, a Las Vegas, NV vet discusses spending holidays with cats.


Your kitty may not understand the reason for the holidays, but she’ll definitely appreciate getting some presents. Toys are always a great gift for Fluffy. You can get your cat some classic toys, like catnip mice. Or, try something new, like an automated laser pointer, a robotic mouse, or a remote-controlled fish. Your pet may also appreciate catnip bubbles, or a cat grass mat to lounge around on. Cat furniture is another good gift option.


Are you planning to have company this year? Be sure to vacuum thoroughly before they arrive, and change your air filters. It’s also a good idea to give your cat a good brushing, to remove dead fur from her coat. If your visitors are allergic to pets, set out some tissue boxes, and stock up on OTC allergy medications. If they are staying over, advise them to keep their door closed. Otherwise, there’s a good chance you’ll find Fluffy snoozing in their suitcase!


Fluffy definitely deserves a special treat. Just be careful what you offer her. Many popular foods are toxic to cats! Some of the unsafe ones include chocolate, nuts; grapes, currants, and raisins; pitted fruits; raw meat, dough, or yeast; milk; garlic, onions, scallions, and chives; and anything containing xylitol. You can give your furry friend some plain, uncooked meat, chicken, or fish, without the skin, bones, or fat. Deli meat is also fine, as is sodium-free broth. Ask your vet for more information.


Your kitty will definitely take notice if you put a tree up. Actually, knocking over Christmas trees is one of Fluffy’s favorite holiday traditions! Taking a few precautions will greatly increase the odds of your tree surviving the season. Use fishing line to secure the treetop to the wall or ceiling. We recommend decorating the bottom half of the tree sparingly, with sturdy, non-breakable ornaments. Also, avoid putting the tree too close to a sofa or desk that your cat could use as a launching pad.

Happy Holidays! Please feel free to reach out to us here at Aloha Animal Hospital anytime. As your local Las Vegas, NV vet clinic, we are here to help!

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