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How to Tell If Your Bird Is Sick

March 15, 2022
Birds have a knack for hiding signs of weakness or illness, a handy skill they learned in the wild to keep predators from singling them out. Unfortunately, Tweety’s reluctance to let you know she’s under the weather can make it hard for you to know when she needs help. The good news is there are ways to spot signs of illness in your bird. The more familiar you are with your little buddy’s everyday habits, routines, and overall appearance, the better able you’ll be to know when it’s time to take Tweety to the vet. And regular checkups can go a long way towards keeping Tweety happy and healthy. In this post, a veterinarian lists a few signs that will let know when your bird is sick.

Feathers Don’t Look Right

Birds normally ruffle their feathers when they’re cleaning themselves. But, if your bird’s feathers stay ruffled or fluffed for longer than usual, there’s a good chance that he’s uncomfortable or something is wrong. Also, messy or dirty feathers may be a sign of distress since birds naturally like to keep clean.

Runny or Cloudy Eyes

If your bird has cloudy, dull-looking eyes or there’s discharge coming from her eyes, this may be a sign of respiratory distress. And too, redness or discharge around the area on her beak that houses her nostrils can also indicate respiratory problems. The same goes for breathing through the mouth instead of the nostrils.

Low Energy

When a happy, active bird suddenly seems mopey or retreats to a corner of her cage for long periods, she may be sick. Sleeping a lot longer than usual can also be a sign that something’s wrong.

Tail Bobbing

When Tweety bobs her tail, she’s expanding her lungs to take in more air. Bobbing her tail repeatedly means she’s having problems breathing.

Loss of Appetite

If your bird loses her appetite and experiences sudden weight loss, this could be due to a blockage in her intestines, which is serious. Call your vet immediately.

Droppings Look Different

Tweety’s droppings can tell you a lot about her health. Changes in color, consistency, or texture are usually signs of digestive problems.

Change in Vocalization

For a songbird, changes in her pattern of vocalization, such as making different sounds or new sounds may indicate discomfort or a health problem. If you have more questions or notice your bird exhibiting any of the above signs, please don’t hesitate to call us.

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