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Leaving Your Cat Home Alone

May 15, 2019

Does your cat spend a lot of time home alone? Fluffy is quite independent, not to mention rather sleepy. Your furry buddy will probably spend the majority of her alone time napping. However, even the drowsiest kitty can’t sleep all the time. Therefore, you’ll need to make sure your pet has ways to occupy herself while you’re out. It’s also important to make sure your home is safe for your feline pal. Read on as a Southwest Las Vegas, NV vet discusses leaving Fluffy home alone.


We recommend taking time to play with your furry buddy every day. However, it’s also important for you to provide her with toys that she can use by herself. Give Fluffy a variety of playthings, such as catnip mice, crinkly toys, and small balls. Wand toys are great, but put them away when they aren’t being used. You don’t want your cat getting tangled up!


As you’ve probably noticed, cats are rather sleepy. Offer Fluffy lots of comfy beds to snuggle up in. Move them around regularly to keep things fun and interesting for your kitty.


Set out some pet-safe plants for Fluffy to nibble on. Many kitties love peeking out from behind green leaves! You can find a list of safe, suitable options online at the ASPCA website here .


Cats can spend hours just looking out the window. Make Fluffy a comfy window seat, so she can sunbathe and birdwatch.

Background Noise

Leave a TV or radio on for your feline friend. The background noise will soothe her, and keep her from feeling lonely.


Did you know that there are programs made just for kitties? Fluffy may really enjoy watching shows about birds and squirrels!

Climate Control

Overheating is very dangerous to cats! Keep Fluffy cool and comfy by leaving your climate control on.


Kitties are very mischievous, and have an uncanny knack for getting themselves into trouble. Remove or secure anything that could be dangerous, such as wires, ropes, and cords; plastic bags and ties; chemicals; medicine; pesticides; toxic plants; and anything small or sharp.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy should still see the vet regularly, even if she never goes outdoors. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

Please call us, your local Southwest Las Vegas, NV animal clinic, for all your cat’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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