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May Rehab Promotion

May 15, 2017


Could your animal family member use a little extra “spring” in his step?

If your pet is experiencing pain due to injury, a chronic medical condition such as arthritis, surgical recovery, extra weight or the natural aging process, Aloha Animal Hospital can help!

Our experienced healthcare team will develop a treatment plan to alleviate pain and allow your beloved pet to lead a more comfortable and active life.

During the month of May, Aloha is offering our “Pain Free Pets Promo” which includes:

This package, a $380 value, is only $280 during the month of May (that’s a $100 savings)!

Aloha Animal Hospital will then customize a thorough treatment plan for cats, dogs or even exotic pets. Read more about our extensive rehabilitation services, pain management and laser therapy options here !

If you are concerned about your pet’s chronic pain or slowdown in activity, we are here to help. The earlier we diagnose and start a management plan the longer we can help your animal family member live a pain free and active lifestyle. And with our special discounted consult package during the month of May , the time to act is now!

Call us today at 702-567-5222 to get your lovable pet back on the path to better mobility and a more enjoyable life. Be sure to mention the “Pain Free Pets Promo” to take advantage of this special discount!

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