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Invisible Fences: Do or Don't?

March 31, 2021

As you may kn ow, most of our canine companions love to run and play outside. Fido is super cute when he is chasing squirrels or just relaxing in his own yard. Of course, Man’s Best Friend has a tendency to run off, so you’ll need to put in some fencing. You may have heard about invisible fences. A local vet lists some things to consider below.

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Invisible fences do offer some significant benefits. One of the bigger selling points is that these are quite affordable. If you have an HOA, you may also be spared the hassle of making sure your fence is up to their code. Of course, that will vary, depending on the HOA and its rules. This type of fencing can be used on any type of terrain, and is quick and easy to install. Last but not least, because they are invisible, they won’t block your views.


There are also some downsides to invisible fences. For one thing, these devices are definitely not ‘plug and play.’ You’ll need to teach Fido where the fence is. This means taking time to walk him along the perimeter and train him to turn back before those boundaries he can’t see. Most manufacturers offer tips on this. Some will even work with you. Another thing to keep in mind is that even if the fence keeps your pup in, it won’t keep the neighbor’s pooch—or any other animals—out. Reliability is another issue. If power is ever disrupted, you basically are going to be down a fence. Also, these fences can be uncomfortable. Fido may get confused or agitated. Some dogs will just ignore the fence and bolt through anyway.


In addition to considering the pros and cons listed above, Fido’s personality and temperament should also be factored in. If you have an active dog that is pretty likely to run, such as a husky, an invisible fence may not be the best option for you. Generally, these are likely to work best in quiet areas, and with pups that will probably stick close to home anyway. It’s also important to realize that some of the pros we listed can become cons, depending on your preference and situation. For instance, we mentioned that invisible fences won’t mar your view. That may be a plus for some, but others may prefer the privacy that another type of fence would offer. Our take? It’s probably safe to say that physical fences are the better choice in most situations. However, it’s ultimately a personal choice. 

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