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Chameleon Care Tips

September 1, 2020

Are you considering adopting a chameleon? These pretty lizards are both cute and charismatic. However, they do need a lot of care in order to thrive. A Las Vegas, NV vet lists some chameleon care tips below.

Gain Reptile Experience First

Chameleons are quite high maintenance, as far as reptiles go. They’re also very fragile. If you’ve never had a pet lizard before, start with something that’s a bit easier to care for.


Wild chameleons lick water droplets off leaves. Your pet won’t know how to drink from a bowl. You’ll need to mist the little guy daily: otherwise he will dehydrate. It’s worth your while to purchase an automated mister.


Most reptiles require hide boxes, so they can feel safe. Chameleons, however, prefer to duck into leaves and foliage, and camouflage themselves. Make sure your pet has plenty of safe plants.

No Roommates

Chameleons do not enjoy having roommates. Males, particularly, will often fight. Keep your cute lizard by himself!

Know Warning Signs

Some chameleons enjoy being handled. Others? Not so much. Do some research, and learn to read your pet. For example, chameleons often turn dark brown or black when they’re scared or stressed, while happy chameleons let their ‘true colors’ shine through.


Chameleon habits should be 3 x 3 x 4, at the very least. These guys love to climb, so provide lots of non-toxic trees and branches. Chameleons do need specific environmental conditions, which will require special heating equipment. The exact temperatures will depend on what type of chameleon you have, so consult your vet. You’ll also need to provide both UVA and UVB lighting, as well as natural sunshine.


Chameleons are technically omnivores, but they live on mostly insects in the wild. Before getting a chameleon, make sure you are ready to provide your reptilian buddy with things like crickets, roaches, and waxworms. You’ll need to dust these creepy crawlies with nutritional powder before letting your pet eat them. Your chameleon will also benefit from fresh produce. Ask your vet for specific nutritional advice.

Warning Signs

Watch for signs of illness and injury. Some common ailments include malnutrition, particularly calcium and Vitamin A deficiencies; mouth rot, stomatitis, and metabolic bone disease. Call your vet if anything seems amiss.

Please contact us, your Las Vegas, NV vet clinic, with questions or concerns about chameleon care. We’re here to help!

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