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How To Spoil A Hedgehog

February 1, 2020

February 2nd is commonly known as Groundhog Day, but did you know that it’s also Hedgehog Day? Hedgehogs have become quite popular pets in recent years, and with good reason. These prickly little guys are absolutely adorable! Read on for some great tips from a Las Vegas, NV veterinarian on how to spoil your little buddy on his special day.


Just like any other pet, hedgehogs love treats! Mealworms and crickets are favorites for these guys. You may want to look for freeze-dried ones. Wet cat food; plain, cooked meats; and boiled eggs are fine as well. You can also give your pet certain fruits and veggies, such as bananas, peas, apples, beans, corn, and carrots. Watermelon is also safe, as are pears, papaya, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Just be sure to remove the skins, seeds, and pits first. Never give your hedgehog grapes, raisins, avocados, nuts or seeds, chocolate, dairy products, or junk food. Citrus fruits are also not recommended. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods.


This is a great time to pick up some new toys for your tiny pal. Many hedgehogs love playing with balls, such as ping-pong balls and cat toy balls. Hedgehogs really like to move things around, so anything mobile tends to go over well with them. A tiny stuffed animal may be a great gift, especially if it’s brightly colored. Other good options include dig boxes, toy cars, and mazes and tunnels. Just be sure to put your pet’s safety first. Never give your pint-sized pet anything small enough for him to eat. Sharp items are also unsafe, as is anything with ropes or threads.


Why not give your little buddy’s cage an upgrade? Buy or make your spiky pal a new hide box. Your hedgehog may also enjoy a little tent. Exercise wheels are also fine, but be sure to get one with a solid bottom.

Photo Session

We probably don’t have to tell you this, but hedgehogs take some absolutely adorable photos. Set up a little backdrop, get some props, and take some super cute pictures of your little pet. If you’re on Instagram, follow hedgehog celebrity Azuki here for some great ideas.

Do you have any questions about hedgehog care? We are here to help! Contact us, your local Las Vegas, NV vet clinic, today!

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