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Cool Treats for Cats

October 1, 2019

Does your kitty like treats? We’re guessing that the answer to that question is yes. While Fluffy has been known to be a little-okay, a lot-finicky, most of our feline buddies do have a few favorite foods. Here, a Las Vegas, NV vet lists some cool summertime snacks your furry best friend will love.

Ice Water

It doesn’t get any easier than this! Drop an ice cube or two into Fluffy’s bowl on really hot days. You may also want to put one on the floor for her to bat around. Since cats use their paw pads to regulate their temperatures, this is a purrfect way for your pet to cool off.

Sodium-Free Broth

Sodium-free beef, fish, or chicken broth is a great treat for cats. Because it contains electrolytes, it’s also a good way to keep your furry pal hydrated. Offer Fluffy a small bowl of chilled broth on hot days.

Kitty Popsicles

Why not turn your pet’s favorite food into kitty popsicles? Get an ice cube tray, and put some of Fluffy’s favorite wet food in it. Add water to thin it out and then freeze overnight. For extra purrs, pour broth or tuna juice over it. You can also freeze bits of kibble in water for your cat.

Cold Snacks

Cold, plain, cooked meat, fish, or poultry is always a good snack for your kitty. Just be sure to remove the skin, bones, and fat.

Tuna Yum

Mix canned tuna with a little water, sodium-free broth, and/or plain yogurt. Divide into small portions and freeze overnight.

Kitty Ice Cream

Regular ice cream isn’t safe or suitable for our feline pals. In fact, many kitties are lactose-intolerant! However, you can find ice cream made just for Fluffy. Check local pet stores and grocery markets.

Shaved Ice

This feline-friendly version of a summer classic will definitely get Fluffy’s little motor running. Get some shaved ice, and dribble some organic baby food, tuna juice, or canned cat food over it. You can also sprinkle bits of kibble or a few kitty treats on it.

Chilled Snacks

Canned, unseasoned tuna, chicken, or turkey in water is always a good treat for Fluffy. Chill a can in the fridge before giving it to your pet.

Do you have questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Las Vegas, NV vet clinic, today!

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