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5 Reasons To Adopt a Shelter Cat

June 1, 2019

June is officially Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! If you are considering bringing a new kitty into your home, now is the purrfect time to do so. It’s kitten season, and at this time of year, shelters are overwhelmed with adorable baby felines. This is a huge problem, as there are already far too many kitties in need of loving homes. A Las Vegas, NV vet discusses adopting shelter cats in this article.

Save A Life

If you’re an animal lover, like us, you probably wish that you could save every cat. Unfortunately, that’s too big a job for any one person. However, you can definitely save one lucky feline. While this may not change the world, it will change that the world for that one cat.

Make A Friend

Cats have a reputation for being a bit aloof, but that isn’t really fair. Fluffy is actually quite emotional, and can get very attached to her humans! When you adopt a shelter cat, you’ll be making a lifelong friend. You’ll also be able to choose your new pet from a variety of adorable kitties.

A Rewarding Experience

Helping animals is a very rewarding experience, and one that makes you feel great about yourself. Being kind also has a way of coming back to you and fulfilling you spiritually, sometimes in unexpected ways. Your pet will keeps you smiling with her adorable antics and cute quirks, and comfort you with cuddle and purrs in hard times. Our feline friends also have a special way of making houses into homes, and warming both our laps and our hearts.

Help Other Animals

Adopting shelter cats is definitely something to feel great about. One reason is that it helps other animals in need. The space your feline buddy leaves vacant will soon be filled by another adorable kitty in need of a home. Plus, the money you spend on Fluffy’s adoption fees will help the shelter provide food and care for other homeless pets.

Save Money

Another great thing about adopting from shelters is that it’s pretty easy on your wallet. Shelters are often significantly cheaper than pet stores or breeders. You may also save on veterinary care costs, since most shelter cats are already spayed or neutered.

Call us, your Las Vegas, NV vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re happy to help!

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