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Happy Healthy Cat Month

September 1, 2018

Did you know that September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month? Of course, for us, every month is Happy Healthy Cat Month. After all, healthy cats are happy cats! A Las Vegas, NV offers some tips on keeping your feline buddy content and purring below.


Proper nutrition is absolutely crucial to Fluffy’s health. Make sure to feed your cat a high-quality, premium brand of food. Take care not to overfeed your pet, however. Even just a few extra calories a day can cause your cat to become obese.


The fact that cats use litterboxes makes them very easy and independent pets. Be sure to keep Fluffy’s litterbox clean. No one likes a dirty bathroom!

Veterinary Care

We know, visiting us isn’t Fluffy’s favorite thing to do. However, your feline friend will both look and feel better with proper veterinary care. We recommend that all cats be spayed or neutered, microchipped, and kept current on exams, vaccinations, and parasite control at all times.

Kitty Comforts

Small touches can really help keep your pet content. As you have probably noticed, cats are, well, rather sleepy. Make sure that Fluffy has lots of comfy beds to snuggle up in for all those naps! A good scratching post is another must. Your pet will also appreciate some kitty furniture. A cat tower is a great option, because it gives your kitty a high vantage point from which she can survey her kingdom and humans. It also offers a napping spot, jungle gym, and nail care station.


Who said kitties have expensive taste? Offer Fluffy a cardboard box every now and then. Your feline pal may also be delighted with a paper grocery bag.


Keeping Fluffy entertained and stimulated is very important, both for physical health and her mental well-being. Make sure Fluffy has plenty of toys, and take time to hold that laser pointer for her, so she can pounce on that elusive red dot. Kitties love birdwatching, so a good window view is also important.


Fluffy has tried very hard to make us think she is cold and cunning, but we remain unconvinced. Actually, many of our feline patients are very cuddly. Pay lots of attention to your adorable pet, and make sure that she feels loved.

Please reach out to us, your Las Vegas, NV pet clinic, anytime. We are always happy to help!

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