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Tips for Feeding Koi

August 1, 2018

Koi fish are very beautiful, and can turn even a small yard into a little spot of paradise. However, while koi aren’t difficult to care for, it’s important to understand what they need to stay healthy and safe. As with any pet, making sure your fish are getting good nourishment is very important. Here, a Las Vegas, NV vet discusses feeding koi.


Baby koi can eat flakes or food made specifically for small koi. Pebble food is more suitable for adult fish. Of course, koi also love treats. While they will eat all sorts of food, we recommend sticking to healthy snacks. Worms are one good option. Koi love freeze-dried silkworm pupae! Earthworms, bloodworms, and nightcrawlers are also fine. Ask your vet for recommendations.


The more you feed your koi, the bigger-and faster-they will grow. This is where pond size and water quality come into play. Smaller ponds can quickly become overwhelmed by rapidly-growing fish. Overstocking is an even bigger problem when combined with poor filtration. Make sure your pond and filter are adequate for the size of your pond and the number of fish you have.


Uneaten food quickly spoils, and can harbor bacteria that will interfere with your water quality. Don’t feed your fish more than they can eat in about five minutes. It may take some trial and error to determine the exact amount needed. Measure portion sizes, and don’t be afraid to time your fish. There are much worse ways to spend a few minutes than watching koi fish feed!


Water temperature will also play a role in how often your fish should eat. When the water is warm, fish metabolism runs more quickly than it does in cooler temperatures. Your finned buddies will also be more active in hot weather, and-like many of our animal companions-are not above begging for food. Don’t fall for it! Your vet may actually recommend that you stop feeding your fish when the water is over 90 degrees.


If your koi live outdoors, it’s best not to feed koi just before or during a storm. When rain is expected, hold off on feeding your finned buddies. Wet weather is less than ideal for koi dining. Ask your vet for more information.

Do you have questions about koi care? Contact us, your Las Vegas, NV pet clinic, today!

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